Technology solutions come alive at Cognideck

Crafted leveraging several years of experience, performant processes and technology that is reliable and secure.

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Our Services

Custom Software Applications

We will build the system you are envisioning. We target the web, Android and IOS platforms

Cloud Architecture & Design

Let us help architect your infrastructure in the cloud for better resilience, performance, security and cost-optimisation

DevOps & SRE

Increase the velocity of your development teams with our DevOPs offering. We will help you embrace the site reliability engineering (SRE) approach to DevOps

Artificially Intelligent Applications

Future proof your solutions by making them intrinsically intelligent. We utilize cutting-edge research and algorithms to tackle difficult problems

Technical Support

Open source or Legacy applications work now but in a constantly changing world you wonder if they will work tomorrow. We support a number of applications to give our clients confidence and peace of mind

Technology Advisory

We are here to help position your organisation to enable you easily meet your business goals today and tomorrow using the best technology for your use case

Contact Us

We exist solely to bring you a solution. Please reach out to us.

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